05 September 2019

Love Chu 2: the most exhaustive guide

Exuse the small text! Feel free to adjust the zoom level of your browser. The guide is best read in pdf form, so if you ever need it, contact me and I'll share it with you.

The ultimate Love Chu 2 guide
by Karolina 'Twarda' Twardosz

Table of contents:
(about this document)
(basic instructions + tips)
(let's look through the menus)
4. Love Chu Course

(FAQ in a form of an interview)
5. First Matchmaking

(time for some hot action)
(nothing too important though)
(all crutial care & growth data in one place)
(and spritesheet, just in case)
(even more details about the original pet!)
(including both manuals)

0. Introduction

About this document & aknowledgements
This file is a combined information found in the Love Chu 2 instruction manual, guidebook, a Japanese blog posts, and personal experience. It should be noted that this guide follows the guidebook more closely than the instructions manual, and therefore can also serve as the direct translation of the guidebook. Some parts were taken from the instruction manual instead, if they were worded better, or the information was combined. My personal notes & additions are enclosed within []. If I felt some of my notes are particularly insightful, I left them coloured. I made all these iterations in hope to provide an exhaustive inshight while keeping it in a form of userfriendly text, since this file won't feature page scans etc.
Here I should thank the Instagram user @bunnytchi (https://www.instagram.com/bunnytchi/) for sharing the guidebook photos. The Japanese blog I mentioned is http://kirenenco.blog.shinobi.jp/ which posts pointed out that Love Chu & Love Chu 2 can in fact breed, before I had access to the book, as well as the pointing the importance of the wig and its relation to the secret character: Hanachu. There was also this site, which I will just call Luca's website (http://www.lucaelia.com/mame.php/2015/Yuvo-s-Stickers), which gave some insights on Yuvo's Joy Stand (an arcade type machine, used to print photostickers, Lovechu's included). It should be noted that, probably the first published translation of the instruction manual, as well as the full growth chart, was composed on https://tamagotchicolledge.my-free.website/love-chu-2-growth
All parts were translated using Google Translator. In pets names, I went with the Love Chu standard for naming (Lovechu instead of Lovetchyu). In majority of cases, I left the Japanese texts if someone wanted to see the original text and/or translate it better. Note, that since I'm neither native English nor Japanese speaker, I may have made errors. If anyone wants to translate the guidebook on their own, I still recommend seeing the original source. The files I received were missing pages: 1-3, 38-39, and perhaps the last page(s).
PS. It looks like there are 2 separate guidebooks. According to the Japanese blog, the one translated here has the most content. Yet, if anyone has access to both of these, it would be great if scans/photos could be shared.
Pic. 0.1. Two kinds of guidebooks for Love Chu 2. That's a lot, considering how little is known about this v-pet. Guide provided by @bunnytchi is on the left. Taken from Yahoo Auctions.

About Yuvo and Love Chu
While I couldn't find much about the company itself, I know it was responsible for some arcade-like machines, namely the sticker printer machine featured on the instruction manual of Love Chu 2: Joy Stant 2-Love.
Below is a screencap, taken from Luca's website.
Pic. 0.2. Joy Stand's screen of Love Chu 1. Kurochu's front sprite makes much more sense now! (Taken from http://www.lucaelia.com/mame.php/2015/Yuvo-s-Stickers).

[At the time of writting this] I don't have an access to Love Chu 1, but I suspect it worked the same way as in Love Chu 2: by connecting the unit to the machine, you could print your creature out as a sticker. The guidebook even mentions using the stickers to keep a record of your Lovechu generations.
Love Chu itself clearly took inspiration from Bandai's v-pet toy line: Tamagotchi. But despite that, the toy doesn't feel like a usual cheap knock-off, or a cash grab. Its sprites - while heavily (yet, in my opinion, cleverly) reusing parts of various Lovechu creatures - are incredible cute and their pixel art is well done. The main focus is to lead the pet to the adulthood, so it can do the Matchmaking - a feature that basically allows you to marry a creature from another device and leave an egg from which you can raise a new generation. And what's interesting, it looks like Love Chu introduced breeding in v-pets just before Tamagotchi did.
According to the Japanese blog posts, first Love Chu (Love Chu 1) are at the core just the same as Love Chu 2, yet easier to take care off (less random "dance" calls, less hungry calls). And yes, it can connect with Love Chu 2 (despite the instruction manual stating otherwise).

Now, let's jump into the Love Chu 2 itself.

1. Getting started

1.1. The device description (これがラブっちゅの仕組みだ)
Pic. 1.1. Love Chu's unit, taken from the instruction manual.

1. Protective cover (保護キャップ)
2. Communication terminal (通信端子)
3. Display (画面)
4. Icons (アイコン) - at the top and bottom of the screen.
A button: scrolls through icons [also scroll]
B button: view the stats [also confirm]
C button: clock screen & sound ON/OFF [also cancel/return]

1.2. How to start the game:
1. Pull out the tab
2. Reset the device (the reset button is on the back)
3. Set up the time.
To set up the time, press A button to choose the hour. Press B button to adjust minutes. Press C button to confirm. Now wait a few minutes for your Lovechu to hatch.
Pic. 1.2. Bean egg on the screen (マメたまご出現), from the instruction manual.

Note: if you don't set the time, Lovechu won't hatch!
Before your Lovechu hatches, you can only set up the time, reset, or turn the sound.
(ON/OFF. ラブっちゆ誕までは「時間合わせ」「リセツト」「ON/OFF」操作しかできないよ。)

1.3. Icon meaning:
Pic. 1.3. Edited illustration from the instruction manual. 

Pic. 1.3. Edited illustration from the instruction manual.
1. Communication
2. Training game
3. Food
4. Bath
5. Clean
6. Treasure (actually a trash bin - it's throw away option)
7. Medial treatment
8. Matchmaking
[More about these can be read the next section (2. Icons functions)]

1.4. Status screen (データ画面の見方)
[Press the B button on the main screen (not in any menu) to see the stats]

• Attractiveness (charm) (みりょく) - [indicated by the number] goes up after a taking bath, or after 3 successful rounds in the training game [also after eating a carrot. Very rarely a muchroom will raise it too]. [According to the guide, it will go down if you don't clean the poop or won't bathe Lovechu. I can confirm the poop part, but it takes a really long time to happen].
Some found treasures raises and lowers this stat.
[Important for Matchmaking.]

• Mood (character/personality) symbol (性格マーク) - when Lovechu is neglected its mood gets lower. There are 3 mood symbols (Happy, Lowered, and Bad mood):
If you neglect Lovechu too much, it will sulk and hide in its cardbox. In that case, you will have to use communication icon to call it out.

[Responding to Lovechu's "dance" calls is the key to keep its happiness high. Throwing away its treasure (while Lovechu is active on the screen) will make it extra angry.]
[Important for Matchmaking.]

• Energy (げんき) - playing 1 training game takes 1 energy unit. Energy restores over the time (and by eating meat).

[It becomes empty when Lovechu is injured.]
[Not important for Matchmaking.]

• Neatness (fashion/style/appearance) (おしゃれ) - filled by bathing, decreases as the time passes. [According to the guide, leaving it empty for too long will decrease Attractiveness. I haven't noticed any difference, however.]

[Not important for Matchmaking.]

• Age and Marriage time – [After evolving from baby stage] Lovechu ages by 1 year each day. When it's ready to meet another Lovechu (to do the Matchmaking) <<GO>> will be shown here. Lovechu not old enough (or too old) for Matchmaking has NO instead.

[Matchmaking can be done once per day. Your GO status will turn to NO if the Matchmaking was unsuccessful.]

• Treasure (お宝) - you can see what kind of treasure your Lovechu collected. You can throw it away with "throw away" icon. But be careful, as the item is important for Lovechu and it will be angry at you if you do so.

[Note: You can only keep 1 treasure at a time. You can throw away the treasure with no negative Mood effect while Lovechu isn't active, eg. it is sleeping, on a walk, or injured.]

Treasure types:
Wig (ヅラ) - required to get Hanachu in the next generation.
Ring (ゆびわ) - raises Attractiveness by 20.
Pendant (ペンダント) - raises Attractiveness by 10.
Bomb (ばくだん) - lowers Attractiveness by 10.
Bug (ごっきい) - lowers Attractiveness by 20.

[At least Wig is important for Matchmaking]

1.5. Some tips to have in mind
[The creature's growth depends on its parent stats at the moment they married each other. How you take care of the child doesn't matter. With some easy math, Mood and Attractiveness of both parents can tell you what next generation will look like. Wig is important to get Hanachu. See First Matchmaking and Love Chu 2 Table sections for further information.]
PS. As for starting anew (restarting the device/your pet didn't marry anyone and died), the growth path seems to be quite random. It looks like Chyorochu has a better chance to appear if you don't take a good care of the Baby... But that may be an RNG playing. I haven't noticed any pattern for Adults either. Ergo, the only reliable way to know what you will get is to connect 2 devices and get the eggs.

[More about Status Screen and general care can be read in Kerochu interview section. Note that the pet doesn't have Hunger meter. The main goal is lead it to the adulthood and marry another creature. According to the guide, not feeding it will make it run away. Too much sulk will also result in run away. The pet goes to sleep by its own, so there's no need to turn the light off or on.
It's worth to note that some evolutionary paths can only appear after a successful Matchmaking.
The newborn Tsubumamechu (Baby) is active for 3 hours (Karachu seems to take 1h longer). Then it sleeps for another hour, and ages & evolves upon waking up (so, 4hs in total, at least for Tsubumamechu). After that, the pet will gain 1 year per day - it always ages (and evolves) when it wakes up. Cheat from the Japanese blog: changing the clock will age the pet (unlike Tamagotchi). The button combination which allows you to change the hour is A+B held for about 4 seconds on the clock screen. You can use that to force Lovechu to collect more Treasure as well. However, the aging trick doesn't seem to work on baby stages.]
* Picture taken from the instruction manual.

2. Icon functions

2.1. Communication (コミュニケーション)

This icon can only be used in these 3 situations (呼び出しサインはこの3):

a. When Lovechu calls for attention (ラづっちゅがみてみてコールをしてきた時)
Lovechu wants your attention so it can dance. If you ignore it, its Mood will go down.
(こんなときは返事をしてあげよう。返事をしてあげるとラブっちゅはダンスするよ!かまってあげないと性格 が悪くなっちゃうからね。)
If you hear the call and the Lovechu wiggling, respond to it.
(右のように、動いて呼び出し昔が 音ったら、みてみてコールの合図だよ。そんなときはコミユニケーシ ヨ ンを選択して返事をしてあげようね)
b. During the walk (ラブっちゅがお散歩の時)
When Lovechu is away, you can call it back by pressing the button.

[Note: there is no negative effect of it. The guidebook only recommends to call it back when it gets hungry.]
c. When Lovechu is sulking
Call Lovechu when it is in a bad mood inside its cardbox. Call it many times, and eventually it will show up, feeling better.

2.2. Training game (トレーニングゲーム)

Working on the Attractiveness (「みりょく」力アップをめざせ)

Repeat the moves of Lovechu's dance in 3 rounds. Win all the rounds to raise the Attractiveness by 1. After 1 game (loss or win), the Energy will decrease by 1.
1st round: 3 actions
2nd round: 4 actions
3rd round: 5-7 actions.
Press A for Left, and B for Right. C quits the game.

2.3. Food (gohan)

Feed it frequently (こまめにあげよう)

There are 4 options. A scrolls through them. B selects the food. Lovechu won't eat if it's full. It will call for food when it's hungry (the food icon will flash). Different types of food fills the pet differently.
Meat: Fully replenishes Energy. /(Can eat max 2)
Carrot: Attractiveness up by 1. /(Can eat max 3)
Pudding: no effect. /(Can eat max 7)

- no effect (何も起こらない).
- sleep (眩ってしまう).
- Attractiveness way up (by 10) (みりょくアツブ). /(Can eat max 1)
[Note: the digestion rate (shown in Love Chu Garden), can be measured with Puddings. In other words, 1 Pudding = 1 Hungry unit filled].

2.4. Bath (ohiro)

Maxes Neatness ("fasion") (おしゃれ度アップ)

Bathing Lovechu fills up Neatness to max, and also raises Attractiveness by 1. If Neatness is full, Lovechu won't bathe.

2.5. Clean (そうじ)

Select this icon when there's poop on the screen. Lovechu will clean it with its own brush. Lovechu won't be visible on the screen if there are 4 or more poops.
[Note: poops don't have a huge negative impact. If they are in large numbers, they drop Neatness. But it happens at so slow rate, that it almost doesn't matter].
[Fun fact: It's hard to spot it on time, but Lovechu have separate sprites for pooping. For adults it is the egg-laying sprite.]

2.6. Treasure [discard] (すてる)

It's actually „discard”/”trash it” icon, and allows you to throw away the treasure your Lovechu found. Use すてる option to remove it from your inventory. やめる (quit) will return you to the main screen with no action taken.
You can keep 1 treasure in your inventory. Lovechu doesn't like when its treasure goes to the trash, so remove the item when Lovechu is asleep/injured/on a walk, to avoid the negative mood effect.

2.7. Medical treatment

Use this icon when Lovechu is injured. An ambulance will take it to the hospital to treat it. [The guidebook states it will be a game over if you don't].

2.8. Matchmaking

When Lovechu is ready to find its special someone, this icon will flash, and <<GO>> will be shown in the stats. Connect both devices, as it's time to propose to another Lovechu!

Head to the Matchmaking icon. GO! GO!
プロポーズ will appear of the screen (Go! Go! Propose!), cycling through other screens: "only 1 person can propose". The proposing site presses the B button.

← 3 screens cycle. Only 1 person can propose (press B to do so)!

* Note! Lovechu cannot met if both had pressed B button on the same time! [The side which is being proposed to should stay at GO! GO! screen. The proposing site on the other hand should see "せつぞくしてね!" - please go ahead].

← correctly done communication

Wait for a while while the matchmaking is taking place.

Matchmaking in progress

Note! If not done correctly, Lovechu will shake its head in disappointment, without any Matchmaking being done.

Please try again.

* Picture taken from the instruction manual.
** Interesting note: the manual's „bubble”/”breath” sprite actually differs from the sprite appearing on the screen.

3. Love Chu Garden (ラブっちゃガーデン)
Let's learn about Lovechu biology (ラブっちゅの生態を観察しよう)

Egg → Baby → Child [teen] → Adult

Below is the growth chart of Love Chu. Mametamachu always appear on the first run. If you successfully marry another Lovechu, Shimatamachu may appear as well in the next generation.
Pic. 3.1. The growth chart, taken from the instruction manual.

Pic. 3.2. Custom-made growth chart, with more details.

[Note: the wake up & sleep times in the guidebook aren't neccessairly accurate. Some characters wake up later, or just change that time when evolving (eg. Mokechu → Hanachu), etc. In "[]" I typed what I observed during my runs. Similarly, stroll/nap time exceeds further the time shown in the guide (eg. instead of ending at 2PM, the pet still can go on a walk, until its 3PM).]
01. マメたまっちゅ - Mametamachu - ["bean egg chu"]

02. シマたまっちゅ - Shimatamachu - ["stripey egg chu"]
[Never appears at the begining. Can appear after a successful Matchmaking]

03. ツブまめっちゅ - Tsubumamechu

A cute baby that just hatched. Loves sunbathing and drinking tea.
Wake up: 9AM
Sleep: 8PM [didn't went to sleep when started past 8PM. Actually, it requires the 3hs time passage to evolve]
Digestion rate: 1min
Neatness drop: 3min
Nap & walk: X
04. カラっちゅ - Karachu - ["clattering/colour chu"]

A baby which grows from Shimatamachu. The eggshell cannot be taken from the head. [Something about colours and caring/worring about the eggshell.]
Wake up: 9AM
Sleep: 8PM
Digestion rate: 1min
Neatness drop: 3min
Nap & walk: X
05. もけっちゅ - Mokechu

A bit grown up, but still troublesome. Very curious. Its legs are hidden under its fur.
Wake up: 9AM [8:30, 9AM when evolving into Hanachu]
Sleep: 9PM✓
Digestion rate: 7min
Neatness drop: 30min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 2PM [does that until it's 3PM]
[Evolves to adult at age 4]
06. ちょろっちゅ - Chyorochu

Mischievous and likes playing pranks (digging trap holes for its friends). When left alone doesn't know what to do [?].
Wake up: 9AM [8:30]
Sleep: 9PM✓
Digestion rate: 3min
Neatness drop: 12min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 2PM
[It seems to often appear when the care isn't good, at least on the first (startup) generation?]
[Evolves to adult at age 3]
07. くろたまっちゅ - Kurotamachu - ["black egg chu"]

It's serious and shows little emotion despite being a child. Has light gas in its body which causes it to float. Because of that, it has to be tied with a belt to sleep.
Wake up: 9AM✓
Sleep: 9PM✓
Digestion rate: 3min
Neatness drop: 12min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 2PM
[Evolves to adult at age 3]
08. メダマっちゅ - Medamachu - ["eyeball chu"?]

It's is the fashionable Medamachu. It loves cleaning, and it is aiming to be a dancer. It wants to show off its dancing moves.
Wake up: 8AM✓
Sleep: 10PM✓
Digestion rate: 16min
Neatness drop: 45min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 2PM [does that until it's 3PM]
[Lifespan: 16]
Marriage time 6-13 yo
Marriage desire Low
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (High)
Attractiveness: 70-99
09. ピピっちゅ - Pipichu

It's good at sliding on ice. Loves cold places and always seek for one when it's too hot. It's hard to imagine from its body, but it actually can fly. (something about chickens, maybe it isn't very good at flying?)
Wake up: 8AM✓
Sleep: 10PM✓
Digestion rate: 10min
Neatness drop: 45min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 2PM
[Lifespan: 15]
Marriage time 7-12 yo
Marriage desire High
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (Middle)
Attractiveness: 00-49
10. みみっちゅ - Mimichu - ["ear chu"]

Has large ears, and it can detect the sound of leaves from 20km away. It doesn't like noise so it only has few friends.
[It's actually a dog, if you haven't seen the guide.]
Wake up: 7AM✓
Sleep: 9PM✓
Digestion rate: 10min
Neatness drop: 60min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 3PM
[Lifespan: 19]
Marriage time 7-16 yo
Marriage desire Middle
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (Low)
Attractiveness: 40-69
11. ケロっちゅ - Kerochu - ["frog chu"]

A self proclaimed treasure hunter who sneaks out for treasure hunt whenever it can! It has hoarded numerous goods, but where are all of them hidden?
Wake up: 8AM [8:30]
Sleep: 11PM [11:30PM]
Digestion rate: 10min
Neatness drop: 45min
Nap & walk: 10AM - 4PM
[Lifespan: 15]
Marriage time 7-12 yo
Marriage desire Middle
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (High)
Attractiveness: 0-69
12. ひょろっちゅ - Hyorochu

Fragile, with a cute flower on its head. Often injures itself on a walk. One of just few Lovechu who can fly. But it isn't aware of that.
Wake up: 8AM
Sleep: 9PM
Digestion rate: 16min
Neatness drop: 45min
Nap & walk: 10AM - 1PM
[Lifespan: 9]
Marriage time 5-7 yo
Marriage desire High
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (Middle)
Attractiveness: 50-99
13. デブっちゅ - Debuchu - ["fat chu"]

Doesn't like baths and walks. Loves spending its time eating crackers while watching soap operas.
Wake up: 8AM✓
Sleep: 8PM [8:30PM]
Digestion rate: 3min
Neatness drop: 60min
Nap & walk: 11AM - 2PM
[Lifespan: 15]
Marriage time 7-12 yo
Marriage desire High
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (Low)
Attractiveness: 0-39
14. クロっちゅ - Kurochu - ["black chu"]

It's nocturnal and spends its time on strolling and napping. It's cute and popular[?]. But has scary side when it's angry.
Wake up: 2PM✓ [different animation and sound for that!]
Sleep: 1AM✓
Digestion rate: 10min
Neatness drop: 45min
Nap & walk: 7PM - 10PM
[Lifespan: 13]
Marriage time 5-10 yo
Marriage desire Middle
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
Mood: (Low)
Attractiveness: 70-99
15. ハナっちゅ - Hanachu (Secret character) - ["nose chu"]

Secret character that appears only after a successfull Matchmaking. There is also another condition to get it. (,ラブっちゅには隠れキャラが存在していた!その名もハナっちゅ。ハナっちゅになる条件は,お見合いをした後の子キャラであるこだよ。もうひとつ条件があるらしいけど,それはまだ不明なんた。)
[I'm not exactly sure but:] a middle aged lover of horse races. It makes noise from its nose. There is a crack in its body.
Wake up: 9AM
Sleep: 9PM
Digestion rate: [15min]
Neatness drop: [60 min]
Nap & walk: [starts at 11AM, ends before 3PM]
[Lifespan: 20]
Marriage time 10-17 yo [cannot Matchmake at 18].
Marriage desire ?
* How to obtain (このキャラの生まれる条件)
It's parent has to have the Wig.
Mood: High?
Attractiveness: 70-99?
[I can confirm that Hanachu appears only if it's parent had the Wig. And with that, Mokechu will evolve into Hanachu pretty much regardless of how well the teen was taken care of. Mood & Attractiveness probably still counts to the next generation.]
[Footnote with Japanese text source
Most: HOUR時ぐらい
Kero&Hyoro: HOUR時過ぎぐらい
Kuro: 2時ぐらい
Most: HOUR時ぐらい
Mimi/Kero/Hyoro/Debu: HOUR時過ぎぐらい
Kuro: 深夜1時ぐらい
おなかの減リ方: MIN分おき
おしゃれの減リ方: MIN分おき
Babies: しないよ
Most: HOUR時〜昼HOUR時の間
Kero: 10時〜タ方4時の間
Kuro: 7時〜夜10時の間
Marriage time お年頃期間RANGE
Marriage desire 結婚願望率: / /
性格 魅力値: 00-49]

4. Love Chu Course (ラブっちゅのスヮスヮ講座)
[FAQ in a form of interview]
P: Hello! It's intensive course time. By the way, today, we have Lovechu Kerochu to share some information with us!
K: Hello, I'm Kerotchu!
P: Today I will ask you various questions about Lovechu.
K: OK! Ask me about what you don't know.
P: First, tell me about the growth process of Lovechu. (初めにラブっちゆの成長過程について教えて。)
K: Lovechu grows through stages, from Egg through Baby, Child [teen], and Adult. It becomes an adult in about a week. (「たまご」からかえって、「ベイビー」「おこさま」「おとな」と段階をおって成長するのがラブっちゅの育ち方だよ。間とは違って、1週間程度で大人になるんだ。)
P: Is it safe to play take care of it with sounds OFF? (育て方について聞きたいんだけど、呼び出しアラー厶が鳴る前に々お世話をしても大丈夫なの?)
K: That's not a problem at all. Even with the sounds off, you can still react to Lovechu's needs. (もちろん大丈夫。アラームが鳴らなくても気付いたときにちょくちょくお世詰をしてあげようね。)
P: But it doesn't call if it needs a bath or cleaning? (ねえ、お風呂や掃除の呼び出しが鳴ることはないの?)
K: Lovechu will call when it needs your attention (dance), goes to its cardbox in anger (sulk), when it's hungry, or when it injures itself. So, if you want to keep its neatness full, check the stats screen often. (基本的に呼び出しアラームが鳴るのは、みてみコール、ふて寝、空腹時、ケガをしたときだけだよ。だからアラームが鳴らなくてもメーターのチェックはしてあげてね。)
P: It sometimes refuses to eat, even if it is still accepting other foodstuffs. Does it not accept the same type of food in a row? (苜を振るまで食べさせたり、同じものだ食べさせていてもいいの?)
K: It's because different types of food are more or less filling, and it may be too much for it. Try feeding it with variey of foodstuff to keep the balance. (悪影はなけど、食べ物の種によって効果が違うから、バランス良く食べさせてあげた方がいいかもね。)
P: What will happen if you don't feed it? (お腹を空かせたまま、放置しておくとどうなるのかな?)
K: After a longer time without feeding it, it will run away from home.
P: Will it be angry if I call it from its walk? (お散歩中に意味もなく呼戻してもいいの?)
K: No, it won't be angry if you do that. But it's better to leave it alone on its walk. Unless it gets hungry, then you have should call it back and feed it. (悪影響はないけど、基本的にはそっとしておいてね。でも、途中でお腹が空いたら呼び出してもらたいな。)
P: Lovechu injured itself on the walk. What should I do? (ラブっちゆがお散歩中にケガをしちゃったんたけどどうしよう....)
K: During the walk Lovechu can find a treasure or get injured. Give it a medical treatment fast. Otherwise it will be a game over if its condition is left unhealed for a longer time. (お散歩中はお宝をゲットしたり、ケガをすることがあるんだ。もしケガをしたら、早い内に手当てをしてあげて。ずっとこの状態が続くとゲームオーバーになっちゃうぞ。)
P: How do you restart with a new egg? (新しいたまごはどうやってかえすの?)
K: Press the reset button at the back of the device, and then set the time (本体裏のリセットボタンを押して時間を合わせると新しいたまごが生まれるよ。)
P: I'm not sure how to read the stats screen. (今度はデータ画面の見方教えてもらえないかな〜。)
K: Stats screen is very important, as it's the only way to see how well your Lovechu is doing. Let me teach you about it (データ画面っていうのはラブっちゅの生態がわかる唯ーの手段たから大事だよね。じゃお、ボクが細かく教えてあげるからついておいでよべイベー。)
P: Please do that. (....お願いしま〜す。)

Mood (character/personality) 性格
K: Current mood is indicated by face symbols, which have 3 types (happy mood, lowered mood, and bad mood). Bad character can be recognized when Lovechu is no longer outside, but instead it sits angry inside its cardbox. It won't be willing do the matchmaking in this state. And on top of that, it can run away if it is left in this mood for a longer time. (性格は、「よいこ」「スネお」「ワル」の3つのマークによって表示されるよ。「ワル」になるとふて寝して段ボールの中から出なくなるから注意してね。しかもお年頃に「ワル」になるとお見合いができなくなるんた。それに、「ワル」の状態のままずっと放置しておくと、家出しちゃうから気をつけようね。)
P: How should I deal with its bad mood when it is in its cardbox? (もし「ワル」になってふて寝したら、ど対処すればいいのかなあ?)
K: Use the Communication icon several times. If you are lucky, it may come out. (「コミュニケーション」のボタンを何回か押してみて。運が良ければひょっこり顔を出すよ。)
P: Please tell me what should I do to not make its mood bad? 「ワル」にしないためのコツを教えて。
K: The trick is to respond to it attention call (dance). Ignoring the call will lower its mood. Also, throwing away its treasure will lower its mood even more than usual. (「ワル」にしないコツは"みてみコール" にちゃんと応 えてあげること。そうするとご機嫌がアップするのだ。逆に応えてあげないと不機嫌になるから気をつけようねっあとノーマルアクション中に宝物を捨ててしまうとすごく機嫌が悪くなっちやうんだよ。)

Attractiveness (charm) 魅力値
K: Attractiveness is measured from 0 to 99. This stats influences how the child grows. (魅力値の数値は099まで。この数値は、子キャラの決花条件影響があるんだ。)
P: Hey, how to keep attractiveness from being low? (ねえ、魅力値がダウンしちゃう原因つて何?)
K: Attractiveness raises by 1 when bathing or winning one training game. It also goes up by 1 after eating a carrot. Very rarely, eating a mushroom will improve the Attractiveness as well. And there are certain treasures that can do that too. (お風呂に入れたり、トレーニングゲームで正解すると1アップするよ。あとニンジンを食べさせても1アップするぞ。低い確 率だけどキノコを食べさせるとア ップすることがある。また、特定の宝物を拾ってくるとアップするぞ。)
P: Alright. But why Attractiveness go lower? (じゃあ、魅力値がダウンしちゃう原因って向)
K: If a lot of poops accumulates over the time, Attractiveness will start to go down (it will not go down during the sleep, though). Also, certain treasures can make it lower.

Energy meter (げんきメーター)
K: Energy is displayed with 4 black filled circles. As long it has at least one circle full, you can play the training game. ("げんきメーター"4つの〇で表示されるお。この表示があるかぎり、トレーニングゲームができるんだ。
P: Can you explain why energy drops? ("げんきメーター"の減ってしまう原因を教えて?)
K: It will drop by 1 if you play one training game. And it will be completely empty when Lovechu gets injured. (トレーニングゲーム1回につき1つメーターが減るよ。また、ケガをするとメ一ターが全部減っちゃうんた。)
P: How can I restore the energy meter? (じやお、ナーターを増やすには?)
K: Don't worry. Energy keeps restoring itself in every 3 minutes. If you want it to restore faster, you can feed Lovechu with meat. (3分おきくらいに回復していくから心配しないで。早く元気にしたければ全回復するお肉を与えるといいよ。)

Neatness meter (fashion/style/appearance) おしゃれメーター
K: 4 full circless display full neatness meter. Taking a bath will refill it completely (as well as raise the attractiveness by 1). (4つの〇で表示され、お風呂に入れてあげるとメーターは全て回復するよ。これは魅力アップにもつながるんだ。)
P: Please tell me how this meter is reduced? (おしゃれメーターの減り方を教えて?)
K: It depends on the growth stage. Younger Lovechu tend to have their neatness decreasing faster. This process is much slower in adults. (減り方は成長過程によって違うんだ。だいたい幼いときは減り方速くて、おとなになるにつれて遅くなるよ。)
P: What will happen if I won't do anything about the empty neatness? (おしゃれメーターをの減らしたままでいるとどうなるの?)
K: The Attractiveness will slowly drop if you keep the meter empty. (減らしたままでいると魅力値が次第に下がってしまうから、いつも清潔にしておこうね。)
P: Besides bathing, can I raise it in any other way? (お風呂以外でしゃメーターをアップさせる方法は?)
K: No, you can only raise it by taking a bath. (おしゃれはお風呂に入らないかぎりアップしないんだよ。)

Age (年齢)
K: Did you know that Lovechu grows 1 year in 1 day? (ラブっちゅはは1日に1歳年をとる生物って知ってた?)
P: I see. What is the lifespan of a Lovechu? (そーなんだあ。じゃあ、ラブっちゅには寿命があるの?)
K: That's right. We leave our owner home when we reach our end of our life. How long the Lovechu lives depends on its adult form, so please refer to the table below. If Lovechu leaves you earlier than that, then it must have run away due to poor care. (そうだよ。ボクたちは寿命の年齢になると本能的に飼い主の元から去ってしく性質があるんだ。キャラによって去る日が違うから下の表を参考にしてね。キャラが下の表より早く飼い主の元から去ったら、家出した証拠だからね。)
Pic. 4.1. Lifespan of Lovechu. Table edited & translated from the guide.

Match making (お見合い)
K: Matchmaking is something that Lovechu can only do at a certain age. (お見合いはお年頃になったラブっちゅのみできる恃別なものなんだよ。)
P: Tell me at what age matchmaking can be done? (何歳からお見合いができるのか教えて。)
K: It depends on the character you have. For details please refer to pages
53-56. [I included it below this section, as well as in the Love Chu Garden section].
P: How many times can you meet other Lovechu? (お見合いて何回でもできるものなの?)
K: Unfortunatelly, this can be done only once per day. What's more, there is an age limit too [Lovechu becomes too old for matchmaking]. If you won't be able to meet the conditions for a successful matchmaking before that, your Lovechu will reach end of its days without leaving an egg. Keep in mind that different Lovechu characters have a different age limit. (残念ながらす見合いは1日に1回と決まっているんだ。しかも、お見合いができる年齢には制限があるから、毎回べストコンディションで挑まないと、タマゴを生めないまま寿命をむかえることになっちゃうよ。お見合いの年齢制限はキャラとによって違うから注意しようね。)
P: How are Mood, Attractiveness, and Neatness related to a successful matchmaking? (お見合いの成功には性格や魅力度、おしゃれメーターなどは関係してこないの?)
K: It is the mood the most important thing that counts to a successful matchmaking. So it also depends on how good you care has been. The higher the mood is, the bigger chance for a success. (お見合い成功のカギを大いに握っているは性格なのだ。だから、育てる時のポイントもいかに性格のいい子育てるかにかかっているんだよ。性格メーターが高いほど成功率もアップするから大事に育てていこうね。)

Treasure (お宝)
K: Treasure is an item Lovechu finds on its walk. It's in our nature to pick up any objects we find. (お宝とはラブっちゆが散歩中に見つけてくるアイテムだよ。ボクらはどんなモでも拾い集める習性があるんた。)
P: I want to know what kind of treasure are there. (お宝の種類を知りたいんだけど。)
K: There are 5 kind of treasure discovered so far. They are listed below, along with their effects (今のところ発見されているお宝は5種類。拾ってきたお宝の種類と、その効果をチェックしてね。)
Wig (ヅラ) - required to get Hanachu in the next generation.
Ring (ゆびわ) - raises Attractiveness by 20.
Pendant (ペンダント) - raises Attractiveness by 10.
Bomb (ばくだん) - lowers Attractiveness by 10.
Bug (ごっきい) - lowers Attractiveness by 20.

P: What can I do with the treasure? (拾ってきたお宝はどうすれはいいの?)
K: You can either keep it or throw it away (you can only keep 1 treasure at a time). But doing that when the Lovechu is active will make it angry (it's OK to do that if it is sleeping, walking, or injured). (そのままそっととっておくか捨てることができるよ。ごみ箱に捨てるとまた違うモノを拾ってくるんだ(お宝は1度に1個しか持てない)。でも、捨てるときはラブっちゅが活動していないときにしてね。せつかくのお宝を捨てられちゃうと、ふて寝して性格が下がっちゃうんだ。(お休み、ふて寝、散歩、ケガ中であればOK))
P: Thank you! You are really knowledgable, Kerochu. (ありがとう。ケロっちゅってホント物知りね。)
K:Don't mention it! Alrighty, I'm going back to my work. Bye! (いや〜そんなことはなしは。それじゃーボクは忙しいからまた今度....。アデコー!)
P: ... Thanks to this information, everyone will be able to get along with Lovechu well! (....。このデータをもとに、みんなもラブっちゅと仲良く付き合っていってね!)

5. First Matchmaking (はじめてのおみあい)
In a form of visual diary (ラブっちゅ初の日記風恋愛小説だよ)

5.1 Matchmaking guide
Note: You must follow these 3 rules, otherwise it is impossible to do Matchmaking!
1. The characters must be ready for Matchmaking
2. The Lovechu cannot sulk.
3. Lovechu cannot be asleep or on a walk.
2. 性格がスネお以上!
3. お散歩や睡眠中じゃないこと!

Note: ? p. 1.
1. Use Marriage desired rate to calculate success/fail rate.
2. Happy wedding when both match!
(Neatness, Hunger, numeber of poops are not important in Matchmaking).
Note: マザコン・シスコンも、絶対にチェックしよう! 1.
1. キャラの結婚願望率を使、それぞれの成功、不成功を判定
2. 両方が成たと、ハッピーウェディング!

Note: ? p. 2. [here starts the part I don't really know how to interpret]
Q: What is its marriage desired rate?
A: The higher it is, the more it wants (?). You need to check it out before the Matchmaking.
It also depends on the Mood.
[My guess: the marriage desire is describe either how Popular (wanted) the Lovechu is, or how much Lovechu wants to be married. As for the Mood – most likely lowers the propability of a successful match. And a sulky Lovechu cannot matchmake].
Note: マザコン・シスコンも、絶対にチェックしよう! 2.
Q: 結婚願望率って何?
A: これが高いほどモテモテっていうこと。お見合い前に要チェック。/ でも性格によってちょっと差があるよ

Note: Predicting the next generation p.1.
There are 3 things that influence the what kind of child will be born:
1. Is the Treasure important? [In case of Hanachu: yes]
2. (Your Mood x2 + theirs Mood)/3 = next gen. Mood requirement
[see also Table 5.1. below]
3. (Your Attractiveness x2 + theirs Attractiveness)/3 = next gen. Att. value [compare the result to either Love Chu Garden, or Love Chu 2 Table sections]
The combined results of 2 & 3 determine what kind of child will be born. See the data at page 53 for mode details [I included it here, in the section 7, as well as in Love Chu Garden part].
Note③: 子キャラの決定 1.
1. 決定の宝物を持っているか?
2. (あなたの性格値x2+相手の性格植):3=子キャラの性格植
3. (あなたのみりょく値x2+相手のみりょく値):3=子キャラのみりょく値
23の計算の結果で、生まれてくるキャラの 種類が決まるよ。計算したら、53ぺージからのデータを見よう!

Note: Predicting the next generation p.2.
As the Mood isn't shown in numbers, refer to this table.
Mood (You)
Mood (Them)

Mood range
Table 5.1. Based on the guide's illustration.
Note3: 子キャラの決定 2.
おなた____________あいて 性格値
よいこ____________よいこ > :
よいこ____________スネお > :
スネお____________スネお >

[In other words, the next generation is calculated with the parents stats:
Mood, Attractiveness, and at least in case of Hanachu, the Wig. Since the Mood isn't shown as numbers, you have to do some guess work and refer to the table. Attractiveness can be easily calculated (see Love Chu 2 Table for the resuls!). The“Mariage Desire is either how much your Lovechu is popular, or how much it wants to be married. Either way, read is as a probability of a successful match.

Note: [I included these in Love Chu Garden, and in the Love Chu 2 Table near to the end of this file!].

5.2. Matchmaking between Love Chu & Love Chu 2
What a suprise! Love Chu and Love Chu 2 can do the Matchmaking with each other! The procedure is shown below.
Prepare Love Chu 2 as you would normally do. On Love Chu 1 press the heart (Matchmaking) icon to start the Matchmaking. Do not press the B button again, let's leave the device as it is. With that done, let's connect both devices. Once they are connected, you can press the B button on Love Chu 1.
↑ Correctly done Love Chu x Love Chu 2 communication (from the Guide)

Wait a moment for the results!

5.3. The comic book story
The little comic book tells a story of Pipichu trying to find a match, in first person view (Pipichu's). The first step is to look at some photos, and Medamachu looks beautiful and promising!
[On the next page Debuchi gives some simple tips how to show on a date
1. お見合い写真だけで決めない
2. 当日は、お化粧はひかえめに
3. 相手の話をじっくり間こう!
4. 相手の服装・髮型をチェック
5. 相手の趣味や好みをチェック!
6. マザコン・シスコンも、絶対にチェックしよう!)
Nothing really important, probably except for point 6, which refers to checking the Matchmaking stats of your pets, I pressume]
Another step is meeting with the choosen partner. And so, the big day has come. However, Mademachu was not only late for the meeting, but he just couldn't stop boasting about himself! It was bragging about his dancing skills, so Pipichu said she was good at dancing as well. Unfortunatelly, that wasn't entirerly true, and Pipichu ended up in a trouble.
The third step is about the proper way to break up. Pipichu doesn't want to marry someone as sellfish as Medamachu, but she's unsure how to tell that to Medamachu. Maybe a talk with Debuchu will help? How to refuse the marriage in a way to not to hurt the other side? Matchmaking is difficult.
Step 4: Meeting with Kerochu! Pipichu meets with 3 years older Kerochu. Kerochu is an adventurer who discovered many ruins in Afrika, as well as pyramids and Moai statues! The adventure stories were fascinating and Pipichu left the meeting 3 hours later than planned <3
So, at the end of the last meeting, both of them agreed to go on a date (Pipichu really loved Kerochu's stories) - that's the 5th step. The date was on Odaiba, where she met many wonderful people, saw unusual dishes, and spent time at a cafe, from which a beautiful view could be enjoyed. Pipichu feels good around Kerochu, and thinks she can depend on him. She is ready to marry him!
And the ceremony took place in small church [Step 6: happy wedding!], where Pipichu sworn her life to Kerochu infront of a pastor. It was a small ceremony, with only two people on it (the lovebirds themselves), but she is really happy. Kerochu is also looking good. [at the end there is a part I cannot really translate well].
今日は結婚式!小さな教会の牧師さんの前で、一生ケロっちゅとー緒って誓ったの。 たったふたりきりの結婚式だったけれど、気分は超ハッピー!ケロっちゅも、普段以上にバンタナが似合ってて、いい男って感じ。浮気なんかしちゃ、ダメだよ。
Step 7: Welcome Babies! These are Tsubumamechu twins! And they are cute but very mishievious! Keeping them clean and changing their diapers everyday is a really hard work.
Step 8: Full Moon travel! (フルムーン旅行!) When the kids grew up a little bit, Pipichu decided to go on an adventure with Kerochu. Antarctica, the Arctic. Machu Picchu, Nazca, Cappadocia. With him, Pipichu can go everywhere <3

6. End of the guidebook

On the "bonus" info pages, the guide describes: foodstuffs (I included that here for anyone curious, but it's the same info I put in food explanation earlier, basically); Love Chu 1 & Love Chu 2 connection (I put that one at the end of the Matchmaking section); the secret character Hanachu (see Love Chu Garden section).
4種類の食べ物にはヒミツがいっぱい!中でもキノコは謎が多く、今のところ「ヘルシーキノコ」「眼 りキノコ」という種類があることがわかっている。そこで、編集部が食べ物について調査をしてみたよ。
CARROTs にんじん
There is also instruction to make a make a record of family tree of Lovechu (with Joy Stand's printed stickers, of course)
1. 世代を記入。次に生まれた子どもは2世代目だよ。
2. 生まれた日や変身した日などの日付を記入しよう。
3. それぞれのデータを、横に書き込もう。
4. 空欄には似顔絵を描くか、プリントシールをはろう。

7. Love Chu 2 Table
Follow this table to get the specific character.

How to get :
Parent had Wig
Marriage desire:

How to get” describes the combined Mood & Attractiveness values of both parents. They determine the adult character in the next generation.

Use the above formula to calculate the Attractiveness. Calculating the Mood is a more of a guesswork (because Mood isn't displayed as a number) – refer to the small table at the bottom.

The results should match one of the characters in the table on the left. This will be the child of your parent.

Mariage desire” describes the chance of a successful Matchmaking with that parent.

The only Treasure I know for sure to have an influence on a child's growth is the Wig.
70 - 99?
10 - 17

How to get:
6 - 13

How to get:
00 - 49

How to get:
40 - 69

How to get:
00 - 69

How to get:
50 - 99
5 - 7

How to get:
00 - 39
7 - 12

How to get:
70 - 99
5 - 10

Mood (You)
Mood (Them)

Mood range
Compiled by Twarda8

Note: Both Chyorochu and Debuchu use theirs front sprites in the walking animation (hence I repeated them on the sheet). They both have the usual side-facing walking sprites, however. One is shown while they are eating, another one while they are dancing.

8. Appendix

Manual summary. Love Chu 1 has only rice as a food option; the hungry meter exists as a bowl of rice in the Status screen; its cardbox has „mandarins”written on it (instead of emotions of Love Chu 2); It doesn't sulk in the cardbox either (it still won't perform some activities the player asks it to do); Its current Mood is written in words, rather than being displayed as the face icon. There are some other minor gameplay/UI differences (which were improved in Love Chu 2).
The manuals are similar, but I translated the parts that differ somehow between them.

8.1. Comparison between the instruction manuals

8.1.1. Cover
Pic. 8.1. Photograph of manual covers.

Lovechu - a chubby creature which lives in a bean-shaped shell.
。。。とはっっ!!マメ型ハウスにイ王むフシギな生物なのダ / ナマモノじゃないよッ / カワイイぞおっ

8.1.2. Parts 1 - 2: the basics
They are practically the same.
Pic. 8.2. Parts 1 and 2. Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.

8.1.2. Part 3: icons functions
Pic. 8.3. Part 3. Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.

Notable differences:

This icon will call back your Lovechu from it's walk. Game/Bath/Matchmaking cannot be selected when Lovechu is on the stroll. お散歩中のラブっちゅを呼び戻すよ!お散歩中は⑦は選択できないから⑦で呼び戻してネ!
Cleans the poop in Lovechu's nest. The nest should always be cleanうんちやゴミで汚くなったラブっちゅの巣をそうじするよ。巣はいつもせいけつにしてないとネ!!
Discard treasure
Discards the treasure which Lovechu found. Be careful as Lovechu will be angry if you do that when it's nearby.
Gohan - Rice
Use that to feed Lovechu with rice when its bowl is empty. Lovechu will eat it when it's hungry. (To find out if the bowl empty or not, check out the Status Screen!).
Press B to make Lovechu ready for the game. Press B again to start the game.

8.1.3. Part 4: Status screen
Pic. 8.4. Part 4. Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.
Notable differences:

お皿 (rice): the bowl shows if the rice is still in it.
お宝 (treasrue): treasure picked up by Lovechu. You can keep only 1, but it can be discarded.
げんき (genki): is reduced by 1 after playing a game. Recovers over time. Without it you can't play, and Lovechu can't go on a walk.
(おしゃれ) neatness: gradually decreases. Take a bath to fill it up.
Last screen is the same as in Love Chu 2.
性格 (personality [mood]): Lovechu is born with with a good personality. But it you won't take a proper care of it, it can turn bad. There are 3 personalities in total. If Lovechu becomes bad game/bath/matchmaking icons cannot be used.
よい子 - Good
スネお - Middle (lowered mood)
ワル - Bad

Pic. 8.3. Part 5 to 8 (9). Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.

8.1.4. Part 5: growth chart
How much Lovechu eats, poops, and calls depends on the growth stage. Naps and walks don't happen always, as it does it when it feels like it.

8.1.5. Part 6: Matchmaking
1. Make sure GO is displayed on the age screen in Lovechu stats! まずデータ画面でお年頃マークがGOになっているか確かめる!
2. Connect both devices terminals! お互いの端子を接続しよっ!
Once connected, don't disconnect until the match is over!
3. Select the ♡ icon and press B! アイコンの♡を選択してBボタンを押そう!
When pressing B, make sure that the other person also has the ♡ icon selected, otherwise you will get a comunication error!
After selecting ♡, you have to press B within 10 seconds.
Don't press the buttons on both devices at the same time! (Press for more than 1 second!)
When you press B button on both devices, Matchmaking will start! お互いのBボタンを押した時ては見合い開始っ!!
4. When the screen on the right [see the photo] is shown, wait for a while for the results! 右のような画面でしばらく待つと結果発表たはーっ!
If you do this incorrectly, a communication error message will be displayed.

If you got married 結婚できた♡場合
Lovechu will lay an egg and leave. ラブっちゅはマメたまごを生んてタ日の彼方へ去っていくよ。
It may feel lonely, but love your new Lovechu baby.

If you couldn't get married 結婚できなかった♡場合
Sorry but 残念だけど
better luck next time! 次回がんばってネ!

8.1.7. Part 7: restarting
The begining is the same.
Illustrations descriptions differ: Press any of ABC buttons when this screen apears... この画面でABCどれかのボタンを押すと..[Instead of pushing the Restart button]
A new bean egg will appear! 新しいマメたまごが出現するよ!
The remaining rest of the manual is the same.
Pic. 8.4. Manuals' end.

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