06 December 2019

Rikou No Koibito: clock setting shortcut

While Rikou No Koibito was covered numerous times on YouTube, I failed to find a clear answer to how to set up the clock again, after the game starts. So here it is, hopefully easy to find by anyone who also owns this rare pet (and I hope someday Google will show my posts higher so the info is easier to find).

If your dating sim has the inaccurate clock issue (running too fast), here's the trick:

On this screen press
Esc and Enter simultaneously.

On the default main character screen press Esc and Enter at the same time and hold them for about 1 to 2 seconds. You should hear a beep and you will be automatically taken to the clock screen, which is now paused. Press Enter to adjust the time, and the rest follows same formula as when starting a new game.

There, now you don't have to quit the gameplay because of the inaccurate clock.