
05 September 2019

Love Chu & Love Chu 2 manuals

(Extract from the guide, for easy access!)

Manual summary. Lovechu1 has only rice as a food option; the hungry meter exists as a bowl of rice in the Status screen; its cardbox has „mandarins”written on it (instead of emotions of Lovechu2's); It doesn't sulk in the cardbox either (it still won't perform some activities the player asks it to do); Its current Mood is written in words, rather than being displayed as the face icon. There are some other minor gameplay/UI differences (which were improved in Lovechu 2).

The manuals are similar, but I translated the parts that differ somehow between them.

8.1. Comparison between the instruction manuals
8.1.1. Cover
Pic. 8.1. Photograph of manual covers.

Lovechu - a chubby creature which lives in a bean-shaped shell.

。。。とはっっ!!マメ型ハウスにイ王むフシギな生物なのダ / ナマモノじゃないよッ / カワイイぞおっ

8.1.2. Parts 1 - 2: the basics
They are practically the same.
Pic. 8.2. Parts 1 and 2. Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.

8.1.2. Part 3: icons functions
Pic. 8.3. Part 3. Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.

Notable differences:

This icon will call back your Lovechu from it's walk. Game/Bath/Matchmaking cannot be selected when Lovechu is on the stroll.

Cleans the poop in Lovechu's nest. The nest should always be clean

Discard treasure
Discards the treasure which Lovechu found. Be careful as Lovechu will be angry if you do that when it's nearby.

Gohan - Rice
Use that to feed Lovechu with rice when its bowl is empty. Lovechu will eat it when it's hungry. (To find out if the bowl empty or not, check out the Status Screen!).

Press B to make Lovechu ready for the game. Press B again to start the game.

8.1.3. Part 4: Status screen
Pic. 8.4. Part 4. Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.
Notable differences:

お皿 (rice): the bowl shows if the rice is still in it.

お宝 (treasrue): treasure picked up by Lovechu. You can keep only 1, but it can be discarded.

げんき (genki): is reduced by 1 after playing a game. Recovers over time. Without it you can't play, and Lovechu can't go on a walk.

(おしゃれ) neatness: gradually decreases. Take a bath to fill it up.

Last screen is the same as in Love Chu 2.

性格 (personality [mood]): Lovechu is born with with a good personality. But it you won't take a proper care of it, it can turn bad. There are 3 personalities in total. If Lovechu becomes bad Game/Bath/Matchmaking cannot be used.

よい子 - Good

スネお - Middle (lowered mood)

ワル - Bad

Pic. 8.3. Part 5 to 8 (9). Top: Love Chu, Bottom: Love Chu 2.

8.1.4. Part 5: growth chart
How much Lovechu eats, poops, and calls depends on the growth stage. Naps and walks don't happen always, as it does it when it feels like it.

8.1.5. Part 6: Matchmaking
1. Make sure GO is displayed on the age screen in Lovechu stats! まずデータ画面でお年頃マークがGOになっているか確かめる!

2. Connect both devices terminals! お互いの端子を接続しよっ!

Once connected, don't disconnect until the match is over!

3. Select the ♡ icon and press B! アイコンの♡を選択してBボタンを押そう!

When pressing B, make sure that the other person also has the ♡ icon selected, otherwise you will get a comunication error!

After selecting ♡, you have to press B within 10 seconds.

Don't press the buttons on both devices at the same time! (Press for more than 1 second!)

When you press B button on both devices, Matchmaking will start! お互いのBボタンを押した時ては見合い開始っ!!

4. When the screen on the right [see the photo] is shown, wait for a while for the results! 右のような画面でしばらく待つと結果発表たはーっ!

If you do this incorrectly, a communication error message will be displayed.

If you got married 結婚できた♡場合

Lovechu will lay an egg and leave. ラブっちゅはマメたまごを生んてタ日の彼方へ去っていくよ。
It may feel lonely, but love your new Lovechu baby.

If you couldn't get married 結婚できなかった♡場合
           Sorry but 残念だけど
better luck next time! 次回がんばってネ!

8.1.7. Part 7: restarting
The begining is the same.

Illustrations descriptions differ: Press any of ABC buttons when this screen apears... この画面でABCどれかのボタンを押すと..[Instead of pushing the Restart button]

A new bean egg will appear! 新しいマメたまごが出現するよ!

The remaining rest of the manual is the same.
Pic. 8.4. Manuals' end.

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