
23 September 2019

Gyaoppi II spritesheet & hotkeys

In late 2018 I did a research about Gyaoppi II. While I haven't come into a good conclusion, regarding its growth requirements, nor my research is fully completed yet (as I planned cover more pets), I managed to get all of the 10 forms of the dinosaur in Gyaoppi II. Originally I wanted to include the spritesheet in a fully-fledged post, however my time is limited (and these pets takes a bit to grow).

Maybe someday I will be able to do a proper comparison, but as for now, let's share the complete spritesheet of Gyaoppi II. And the useful button combinations too - not widely known (or so it seems) on the internet.

This is the original resolution, below is the same thing, scaled up 3x, for better visiblity. The gray rectangles should portray an accurate sprite position on the pixel screen.


  • Gyaoppi II

A+C = Sound off/on | Set the time
C+B, hold for ~15s = Fast mode (minutes turn into seconds)
A+B = Pause (pressing any button unpauses the device)

  • Super Gyaoppi (9 in 1)

This one has these function described in the manual (at least in the Japanese version). These combinations are the same as in Gyaoppi 10 in 1).

A+C = Sound off/on | Set the time/Alarm
A+C, hold for ~3s = Fast mode (works similar as in GII)
A+B, hold for ~3s = Pause (to unpause, repeat the action)
A+B+C, hold for ~5s = History (you can view the pets you have raised)

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