
27 December 2021

I made a game on GB Camera and here's how I did it! (save file included)

Attack of the Fluff Monster,
gameplay captured in an artsy photo


"I have 30 screens, 4 colours, and a screen resolution around 160x144px to use.
You get a bonus if you correctly guess what I'm planning to do."

~ Yours truly, on Twitter, 11:49 AM · Jan 23, 2021 

26 December 2021

What IS a GameBoy Camera?

Since it's a quite niche piece of hardware from the ancient late '90s era, I feel it will be a good idea to describe it shortly, before I write the bigger post about the silly game I made on it. It's super quirky so it perfectly fits my blog too!

Two GameBoy Cameras, my GameBoy,
and GB Operator to bring my saves to the computer.
Also a dinosaur, for a good measure.

20 September 2021

GYAOPPI II in-depth overview and instructions


GYAOPPI II in-depth overview and instructions

part of Gyaoppi coverage (October 2018)

I have never really been able to post my writings and findings due to time limits, neither this file is fully finished. However, I have been receiving questions and inquiries about Gyaoppi so I decided to post whatever I have written (and abandoned) now. I hope this information will prove useful to some regardless. I will soon try to find a way to post my other findings and data I recorded in spreadsheets...

by Karolina 'Twarda' Twardosz

13 February 2021

Gift - a tale of an odd gift

Fanart by yours truly.
Gift (known as Gift: Le Cadeau des Étoiles in France, and Gifty: Ein Geschenk des Himmels in Germany) was a result of a collaboration between Cryo Interactive and artist Régis Loisel, and was developed by Eko Systems (now called Eko Software). With its cheeky humour and challenging gameplay, it was aimed at an older demographic. Released in 2000 on PC, and later ported to PS2, it's definitely an odd game, perfectly fitting the theme of this blog. It's hard to find in a search engine due to its name, it's quirky, and has personality. But it also features a pretty solid gaming experience, accompanied by fantastic promo and concept art! But there is actually another secret reason I wanted to write about it. And it's a rather hilariously turbulent personal story, in fact, of experiencing a truly awful GBC port. Feel free to skip the next 2 small-text paragraphs, as they will be mostly my ramblings about the past. They are there to accent the disappointment I felt at that time. Note: since I played those games on original hardware, please excuse the potato quality of all my photos.

05 February 2021

Mothra Tamagotchi: Ghogo & Mothra eggs

Back in mid-late 2019 I focused my v-pet attention onto Mothra Tamagtchi. Truth to be told, I'm not really fond of Bandai's vpets, but I find this one quite enjoyable. I really like the cocoon mechanics, and the overall gameplay feels a bit closer to my heart. Plus, I used to be a Godzilla franchise fan, and Mothra is a really cool Kaiju.

But anyway! Those who don't know, Mothra Tamagotchi was known for hiding a secret: decades have passed and no-one could get certain characters to lay those elusive, mystical eggs.

I remember being overly busy with my gamedev stuff in the late 2019, but I kept my Mothra alive to entertain myself while working. This vpet gets really needy in its late age, though! But somehow I managed to make both Ghogo and Mothra to lay the egg, and even recorded the process. And I also somehow forgot to write about it here... I blame it for being overworked at that time.

But enough about that, let's get to the main course, the video! 

Care details: Good care overall, killed after becoming too needy (17/18 days old). Some care mistakes were done.
Ghogo died on 7th Nov. 2019, Leo Mothra1 died on 26th Nov. 2019.

And the original Twitter post: Mothra egg (feel free to follow me there btw! I do dinosaurs & art, and RT adventure game things).